Wednesday, April 4, 2012

North Carolina Community Development Association Spring Conference

The North Carolina Community Development Association (NCCDA) will hold its Spring Conference May 16-18, 2012. For anyone involved in community development work, this conference will be a great event with many learning and networking opportunities.

The NCCDA was formed in 1979 to provide a unified voice for community development officials across North Carolina. As stated on their website, the purpose of the NCCDA is to:

  • Provide recommendations to federal and state agencies regarding policy and/ or program guidelines
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information and experience among agencies concerned in all areas of community development
  • Cooperate and coordinate with other professional associations involved with community development
  • Examine, evaluate, and recommend alternatives to existing and proposed legislation which directly or indirectly affect local community development activities

The conference is a great opportunity for New Century IDA to network with other groups who are passionate about community development, and we hope you will consider attending as well.

A few of the sessions that are scheduled for the Spring Conference are “The Role of Incubators in Fostering Economic Development,” “Collaborating with Habitat for Humanity,” and an open forum on “Community and Economic Development: Are They Really Separate Functions?” Click here for the full agenda.

To add to the excitement, the conference will be held at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC! During the conference, there will even be an opportunity to take a bus tour of Asheville learn more about projects in the area.

The Grove Park Inn Hotel - Asheville, North Carolina
Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC

To register for the conference, visit or contact Debora Steenson, Association Manager, at or 919-418-1325. We look forward to seeing you there!


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